Trump Steps Away from Flavored E-Cigarette Ban–Temporarily

Categories: e-cigarettes, Legal and Legislative News, News, Top Vapor News, VaporBy Published On: November 19th, 2019146 words

Reports have begun to emerge that the Trump Administration’s long awaited flavored vape ban … may never happen.

Back in September 2019, President Trump and others in his administration voiced concern over the growing number of youth and adults in America who were suffering from a vaping-related lung illness. In response, President Trump announced plans to impose a national ban on flavored e-cigarettes and Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services, promised action on a national scale from the federal government, hinting that a ban on flavored e-cigarettes was imminent and federal guidelines would be finalized and announced within 30 days [read more here]. That deadline came and passed and yet no formal plan had been announced. Now media outlets like The Washington Post are revealing some behind the scenes actions and why the much anticipated flavored ban may never happen.

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