Synthetic CBD And Other Cannabinoids – Coming Soon

Categories: Alternative, NewsBy Published On: July 2nd, 2019147 words

Synthetic cannabinoids are on the way, and eventually — when marijuana is legalized federally — the demand for them will grow rapidly to support medical research into the therapeutic uses of the various cannabinoids found in the plant. Lab-produced cannabis compounds have major advantages for pharmaceutical companies.

Last month Zynerba Pharmaceuticals announced it had completed Phase 2 clinical trials of its drug Zygel to treat behavioral symptoms of the chromosomal disorder 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (usually called 22q).

Zygel is made from 8,9-dihydrocannabidiol (H2CBD), a synthetic version of the cannabidiol (CBD) found in marijuana and hemp plants. It will probably become the first approved drug made from synthetic CBD.

Zygel had been fast-tracked by the FDA, and is being tested by Zynerba for treatment of the behavioral symptoms of several disorders, including 22q, Fragile X Syndrome, developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (DEE), and autism spectrum disorder.

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